Paris, Catch Me I'm Falling......

May 14 & 15

Off we go! Our kind neighbor Linda and her visiting daughter-in-law gave us a lift to the airport at high noon. This eliminated the danger of a no-show Uber that both we and the Driggers experienced last time we went to the airport.

Check-in was almost a breeze. Usually there is a human there to check you if you are sitting in the pointy end of the airplane but not this time at United. Despite my beginning frustration it worked out even though a human had to come to confirm our covid vaccination and passport, even though we had gone through the trouble of entering all of that on line. I even had to enter such simple stuff as my name and phone number that they have had for years and had again confirmed at home when I went to their “ready center” with a big green check mark beside every box..

The flight to Dulles was uneventful and the Paris flight boarded right on time. It was on time until they changed their mind. Then the 1:15 delay began. The Captain blamed it on “baggage”, “passenger seat mix up”, “computer error”, etc. Everybody got some of the blame but the weather since it was clear blue skies.

Meanwhile, the flight attendant came by and said “United would like your first and second choice of meal this evening.” I said “Please advice United I would like the meat first and the second would be pasta”. Later, when she brought the meal there was not a damn word about “United is pleased to offer your first choice” and I left it alone and only replied to myself. The dish was very good.

"United" brought my first choice

Chris "Kingfish"

The Vicki does not sleep and watches about half dozen movies in flight. I just watched two. One was a concert by Chris “KingFisher” Ingram, a blues guitar player who we met about five or six years ago when he was fifteen or sixteen. At that time he was just getting discovered, but could not even afford strings for his guitar. We know this as while he was playing he busted all of them except one but continued to play. Someone in the juke joint went off and came back with a box of strings. He is now rated as one of the top blues players in the world and a Grammy winner. He still lives in Friars Point, MS, a small town on the Mississippi with his dad and many of the people I know, that are friends of his, say he is still the shy humble kid he has always been. The next movie was a great time waster “The Lost City” with Sandra Bullock and a very short cameo with Brad Pitt as he gets blown away quickly in the movie.

All that done, I slept.

Arrival and clearance through formalities was quick and painless. The taxi to the apartment was quick and painless with no Sunday traffic. Well, maybe a little painful to the wallet at about $60. But, now there is a fixed rate from the airport to various parts of the city so there is no mystery. Alternatively, you can take the RER metro but requires a 30 minute walk and slogging you bags all around and maybe a couple of changes in the metro stations and a walk at the end. I just bite the bullet now days and pay the price. There used to be a Air France Bus to various spots in town but it went away with Covid, but the airport authority is trying to restart it.

Arrival at the apartment was not as great a home coming as we had expected. We have stayed here many times and really loved the apartment.....when the exterior was not under construction and instead of seeing a very busy intersection, that is always entertaining, we see is scaffolding and dirty plastic.

After settling in, complaining to the owner, and taking a nap... Oops, first I went and got the baguette, stinky cheese, and ham for the welcoming meal. The wine was already in the apartment. Then we took the nap.

Refreshed we hit the streets. It is a short walk up the hill to the Arc de Triomphe and then a long walk down the Champ Elysees to the Tuileries Gardens all the way to the Louvre, a distance of several miles. The Champ Elysees part was crowded with tourist, the French don't go there. All the high end shops there, with lines to get in, have other stores throughout the city that do not have lines that the locals shop in.

The Tuileries were a pretty dusty walk and at the end we took a left and went over to St. Honore to walk back home. There was a small sidewalk cafe and we chose a seat with a view of the passerby's. We waited a long time and were getting a little impatient, even though we new we should not, as the waiter was a few feet away with his back to us for a long time. When we were about to ask, our waiter showed up. He had our side and the corresponding interior side and had been busy inside. Vicki ordered a white wine and I ordered a Ricarad. The waiter was very friendly.

By the time we left, you always take your time in Europe, both tables next to us were full of Americans. Two from Greensboro, NC and two from California. Short conversation ensued only enough to find out the women were associated with pro-golf and one plays on my brothers boss's team in Greensboro.

We then started the walk home. One block over, on the Champ Elysees, it is crowded with people and on St. Honore that we were walking, there where more police than people. The police were there because President's Palace and the Ministry of Exterior are on that street.

A short stop in the Monoprix for some crackers and fruit and we went home and called it a day.

May 16

Day 3

I slept a long time. I got up in the middle of the night, 2:20 am to close the windows as there was a thunderstorm. Back in bed I was concerned I would not get back to sleep. Next thing I knew it was 7:30. I got out of bed with lots of aches and pains. The coffee was not great but did the job. On a normal day I would be out at the cafe having a coffee. But today, I just could not move.

Vicki slept until close to ten and had never heard the thunderstorm or the jackhammer outside working on the exterior.

It was after high noon before we left the apartment. We meandered over to the Eiffel Tower and around. People ask me if we have favorite restaurants and I usually reply it is the one next to us when we get hungry. Today that restaurant was one we have frequented several times, Brasserie de la Tour Eiffel. It is decent restaurant with a good plate de jour. 

installing posters

these French can build some scaffolding
the Eiffel restaurant

there is always a model shoot somewhere

We walked along the Seine and crossed over at the Palais de Tokyo, on Av. de New York. There were skateboarders shooting video. They kept running down the steps and one guy kept crashing, Several times they succeeded in making the jump but almost ended up in traffic.

oh fun. boat load of school children


The bridge of locks symbolizing a couples love. The weight of the locks were to much for
the bridge, so they took them off and put plexiglass up to keep new ones off.

but love is not to be deterred and new bridges have been selected

Tokyo museum with melted trash dumpsters

Skateboarders. For some reason Google is not letting embed video at the moment. Click for the link.

Across Ave President Wilson was the Palais Galliera museum of modern fashion. We walked through the grounds looking at the floors but did not go in. From there we headed home arriving after 6 pm.

fashion museum

French low cost housing

A short bathroom break and we went downstairs to the Monsieur Madame Bistro and had a pastis and watched the people heading home and enjoy the dance of the vehicles at the intersection of Ave Ternes and Ave McMahon.

Normally we can see this from our window and I would make a video to show but it is not the same at eye level as people block each other trying to make left turns which brings on much horn honking, which is rare in Paris.

Finishing our drinks we went around the corner to the FranPrix. Besides a few items, Vicki was looking for some small ice packs as she is transporting medicine that needs to be kept cool to Sue in Lucca. We were discussing where we might find some when the French lady behind us said to try Picards next door or further down the Pharmacy. We moved down the street and I was standing outside the Picards when the lady came by and said she would go in and help her. They had large ice packs and Vicki was looking for smaller ones. We again thanked the lady and moved on to the pharmacy. Standing outside again the kind French lady came by and looked in. She saw Vicki talking to pharmacist.She was ready to go inside but she said he knew English and said she would be all right and went on her way but not before I thanked her again. See....those French people hate us.

Back home, dinner was cheese and crackers with a little red wine.

My timing is horrible. The Taste of Paris, a week long event ended yesterday. Nuit des Musees was last night. It is a event that encompasses all of Europe with 1,200 museums.  And, The Yoga Festival Paris, was cancelled once again due to covid. The Jazz Festival of Paris starts tomorrow, so maybe will get to see some of it.

May 17

Day 4

Today I was up and out early. Google is not so great in telling about bakeries that are open. I headed to the one they said opened at 6:30, which it did, but all the others opened at 7 and Google said 10. 

this bakery was close to the Hyatt hotel and there was a steady stream of flight '
attendants coming to buy bread to take home.

Back at the apartment I awaited Vicki to get ready to venture out which we did about 10:30. We caught the metro to Père Lachaise Cemetery However, visiting Van Morrison was not on the list today. We were headed for the L'Atellier des Lumieres. It is a old foundry that has been converted into a art museum, Todays show is Cezanne and Kandinsky. I don't know who invented these lumieres but I really enjoy them.

the lite station board is a great help. Not all metro's have it.


We left the museum and started walking in the direction of home. It was a beautiful day and soon we were in the Marais one of the more popular districts and the scene of the crime last year. In order to avoid any more falls we kept walking. Lunch was at a little sidewalk Vietnamese cafe. Full and getting late we hopped on the metro and rode it to the Arc de Triomphe and walked MacMahon to the apartment. 

Bo Bun

the city people love there parks be it NY or Paris

A fine happy hour on the corner, some salad and cheese in the apartment and another day was done.

May 18

Day 5

Today I was out and about early. I love watching Paris wake up. 

Another long walk today. First we went and got a Vicki a local sim-card for her phone. We have cellphone and data coverage here for free with TMobile but it is just 2G and boy is that slow. So, now hers is 5G and is lightning fast.

That done we are off for the Musee Maillol. The have a Steve McCurry, the famous photographer, exhibit. We walk up to the Arc de Triomphe, down the Champ Elysee, right on George V, stop at the Aston Martin showroom, across the Seine, through the Invalides to the museum. 

It was a great display of McCurry's work. There was one floor Maillol's painting and sculptures. It was all naked women.

I finished seeing the museum, I thought, and sat the entrance to wait for Vicki. It took forever for her to come out. I thought maybe she was really enjoying the exhibit and was listening to every one of the audio guides descriptions. When she finally came out we found out I had missed a floor of McCurry's photos. She encouraged me to go back in but I took a pass. That haunted me the rest of the day.

Museum checked off for the day, we hit the bricks again headed for Luxembourg Gardens. This is one of our favorite places in Paris. We roamed around enjoying the people and the flowers. 

every restaurant tries to have an outside table no matter how small

About 3 PM hunger set in. This has become our regular lunch time on this trip. We left the park and found a outside seating for lunch. On the menu was a poulet roti to share for 2. So, we chose that as we like to have at least one poulet roti while we were here. No where on the menu did say that this was a whole chicken!! It is rare to get this much food at a French restaurant. In the past you were expected to eat everything on your plate but over the years and especially because of Covid, take away containers are readily available.

two full breasts in the take away box

Before lunch Vicki said she was ready to go home after lunch. Now fortified she was up for some more walking, so we headed down the hill to Notre Dame. They were having a big patisserie fite or feast. There was a huge tent with ovens, mixers, everything needed to run several bakeries. Officials were awarding baker of the city awards. Did not get a picture or understand anything anybody was saying so we moved on.

We walked over to the Rue de Rivoli and caught the metro back to home. In the end it was a 7.7 mile walking day.

May 19

Day 6

Today is off day. No touring. We went out separately on personal tasks. I started with coffee and a walk. I also tried to kept money with Vicki's atm card and botched that so bad the card locked me out. This would lead to a learning experience. Later in the day ,while I was doing other computer business, I called the bank and found out that, yes, I was locked out.  That was not the learning part as I already knew I had screwed that up, but what I learned is that I can reset my pin number anytime I wish amongst other things I can do on line and the bank really wants me to use my phone over the computer. That I am not comfortable with. The customer service agent told me he would love to come to Paris someday but the ride would be hard for him. I inquired why. He said because he is 6'6" and it is hard to ride on any plane. I understood his pain, as I had once flown basketball charters at the airline and at that time they used regular airline configuration and watching those guys perform pretzel maneuvers in the seats was amusing.

There were a few more short adventures out for lunch and happy hour, but all in all it was a still day.

We have found that as we age our chopstick maneuvering
skills decrease. With the new shoulder it is a challenge and I
have started wearing a bib.

May 20

Day 6

This morning came with the promised rain from yesterday. We hung out in the apartment until about 11:30 and then hit the road. It was about a 2.5 mile walk to the Musée Marmottan Monet, The rain threatened during the whole walk but we made dry.

the museum

Monet is my favorite artist. We had  some in our MFA museum in St. Pete that were on loan from a family. The owner died and because of the estate, the paintings were taken pack and I assume sold off. I told Vicki when I get old and am in the wheelchair, just push me to the corner with the Monet's and come get me at closing time. I don't know what I will do now that all but one of them is gone. I sat amongst the largest collection in the world today for probably 45 minutes. I did not want to leave but it was time to move on, or least that is what she told me.

The temperature had dropped while we were in side and we started the walk home. Vicki wanted a salad nicoise and I wanted a Kebab shop. So the deal was whichever came first. Fortunately a nice little neighborhood bar came first with a very nice salad nicoise. We were the only customers and the owners were very friendly. Healthily full, we continued the walk home.

We decided to pass on the happy hour at the local drinking establishment and Vicki went to the Monoprix and come back with gin and tonic for a in house happy hour. 

It was a good day.

May 21

Day 7

Today is a beautiful day so off we go for a walk. We had to run the gauntlet of the Champ Elysees and then walked the perimeter of the Tuileries avoiding the crowds. Exited and went over to the cafe we visited a few days ago and once again the outside tables were all Americans. Vicki had a coffee and I had a white wine. Though we were enjoying the set, the American from California dominated all the conversation like a latin. If you talk loud you are winner. We left and headed back to the  Tuileries and over to the Notre Dame.

That checked off, we went in search of lunch. The good restaurants closed 3 pm so our choices were limited but we found one that worked.

Back close the house we took a happy hour at a new location. There, was American that answered a question we had had all week. We had seen loads of people with passes to something hanging around their necks and asked he was part of it. Yes he was a big part. It was a convention for cardiologists and his company, Abbot Labs, was a big part of it and that was him. Nice guy and nice conversation.

The distance was between 9.8 and 11 miles, depending on which app you believe. My legs tell me it as 11.

"Get me off this damn street!!"

Look at that line closely. See anyone there you think has $5,000 for Luis Vuitton purse?

The temporary office tour is almost as big as the church

The dead duck was not to bad.

May 22

Day 8

Today is a do nothing day. Short walks around the hood. Dinner tonight someplace with table clothes. Tomorrow we part ways. She to Italy and me to Greece

Check back in about a week for an update

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